Free of Capture and Seizure 不负被捕或被劫责任 ; 掳获和捕捉不赔 ; 掳获和捕捉不保 ; 不负被捕扣被劫责任
FC&S free of capture&seizure clause 战争险不保条款
free of capture &rev 扣押免责条款
free of capture &ihamplifier 扣押免责条款
free of foreign capture 国外掳获不保
efficiency of free energy capture 自由能获得效率 ; 自由能获得率
Photographs typically capture the presence of nature and are often free of man-made obstructions.
Essential models are intended to capture the essence of problems through technology-free, idealized, and abstract descriptions.
Brown sent some of his men to capture the old colonel and free his slaves.